Princess is our naughty cat. If there's trouble to be found, she'll be in the middle of it. If I hear a crash from the other room, I know which cat's bound to be responsible for it. One of her favorite things to do is to find a drink left on a table and jump up next to it, she'll stick her paw in the liquid and lick it to see if she likes whatever it is, if she likes it she'll stick her face in it and drink it up, if she doesn't she'll knock it off the table! When she gets in a bratty mood she'll jump up on the dresser and knock off everything on it to clear off what she perceives as "her" spot. She HATES the vet. He's the nicest man and treats her so much better than she deserves, but she just turns into MONSTER CAT whenever she has to go get her shots. I don't even take her out of the carrier when we go, he just unzips one side a little ways and pokes her with the needle while she hisses and squawks like she's being killed! She's still pouting about Bogey's arrival, I took him to the vet the other day and when I brought him back she hissed at him as if to say, "I thought we finally got rid of you, what are you doing back here you little twerp?" She loves to climb up to impossible places. I have a wooden crate on top of the cupboard I use for my pantry and it goes up almost to the ceiling, well one day I looked up and lo and behold Princess had climbed up there, removed the impediment of the pitcher I had up there and made herself at home. She loves to climb into my sewing bag, and so I'll pick it up and her little head will poke out! She hardly weighs anything as most of her is made up of fur, she's the hairiest of our cats, but Gizmo is the one who sheds the most, when I run my hand over her fur I come away with a ton of hair!
Bogey is a stinker. Literally. Whenever he uses the litter box you can really tell! He's really growing fast. He loves to cuddle and purr. I call him Dracula because he loves to nuzzle my neck with his cold little wet nose. He's got no fear of either cat who could easily squish him like a bug! He's always jumping on them and wrestling them, he makes sure he gets to the food first and won't budge no matter how much he gets growled at. He's super active, always running around getting into stuff. He loves to be wherever I am, he'll crawl up in my lap or on my shoulder and just purr away.
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