Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Twas the Night Before Conkles Came

T’was the night ‘fore the Conkles would come to our house,
And Ruthie was fretting, like a dutiful spouse.

The place looked nicer than I’d ever seen
In the pretense that our home was always this clean.

The cats were all noisily busy at play,
In the smugness that Becky resented their stay.

And Ruthie was falling asleep, with a cough,
As I begged her to please turn her reading lamp off.

When in the other room we heard the phone ring,
And I wondered where Ruthie had NOW left that thing.

When out to the kitchen I made a quick dash,
And found she had knocked our lone phone in the trash.

The voice that I heard on the answering machine
Made us both doubly glad the apartment was clean.

When what to my wondering ears did I hear,
But my wife’s long-lost parents were finally here.

What a wonderful couple, so vibrant and young,
In excitement I found myself clicking my tongue.

As they pulled in the drive, and got out of their van,
We were glad they had upgraded from a sedan.

So into our home these two travelers flew,
My mother-in-law and her dear husband, too.

And then in a second, our memory drove
In the fact we’d forgotten to clean off the stove.

As I told Ruthie it was okay to calm down,
Up the porch steps the two Conkles came with a bound.

They were dressed in the clothes they’d been wearing for days,
And were sorting their way through the lost baggage craze.

A full bag of gadgets, he had in his pack,
which was full of new razors he’d have to take back.

We went out to breakfast, a quite pleasant treat
And made sure not to slip on the slick, icy street.

A nice, tasty breakfast, so pleasant and brown,
They had barely begun as I wolfed mine all down.

He went straight to his phone, without touching a bite
And continued to work on the lost luggage plight.

He continued to talk ‘til his breakfast was cold,
And he asked them to heat it again, so we’re told.

But through the whole process, after all of the gabbing,
They would get pick it up en route to Brain and Abby’s.

And away they soon drove, like the down on a thistle,
As my mother-in-law shouted love to her FSIL.

And they told us with passion, both deeply excited,
“Enjoy your next flight, but don’t fly with United.”

With love, from Chris
Christmas, 2008

Christmas and New Years

Christmas was a blast with my parents visiting us and the cats taking turns playing Christmas Ornaments in the tree. I took a lot of fun photos. Even though my parents still haven't gotten their luggage we had a great time together. I had cooked a LOT of food but we didn't eat nearly as much as I had planned so I have a TON of leftovers! We're going to a New Years Eve party so I'll have to bring the white chocolate pepermint pie I made that no one ate and the eggnog, otherwise Chris and I'll be eating all that sugar by ourselves. I'm a big believer in sharing the calories:-) Chris was sucking up to my mother big time, as always! They have a mutual admiration fest that just makes me SICK!!!! He even wrote them a poem, the Night Before Conkles Came!!! Spare me!

Dad was on the phone with United,the entire visit trying to track down their luggage which got stuck in Chicago, it made it to Cedar Rapids on Saturday and was supposed to be flown to Des Moines that afternoon, but disapeared into thin air again. The 800 number they were given was for India which never once got anything right regarding the location of their luggage. The website they were given to track their luggage didn't show anything either. We sent them on their way Sunday afternoon and they arived at Brian and Abby's that night. I had made a No Whining sign for Brian which he immediately put up so he can point to it whenever my sister starts to whine. I made Abby a Love, Honor, and Negotiate sign because she loves to get her own way. We had a wonderful Christmas but I'm glad it's over. Now it's time to undecorate and get the house back to normal again. Since I have so much work to do I'd better go do it.
Ta ta for now,